Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A man amongst children.

I've been feeling really old lately. The type of old that breeds common sense and a crude understanding of maturity'd'ness. I made up that word, because I can't think of any other that makes nearly everyone in my day-to-day seem extremely... f*cking... retarded. I ellipsed that for dramatic effect, and I bleeped the eff word because I'm old. As you can see, even my writing is suffering; I feel like the guy that has to point out that the pun that he cleverly constructed was in no way intended, but it secretly was.

My life as a mild-mannered cell phone salesman isn't all that complex, but even now - 4 months later - I'm still stunned to see the scope of absolute stupidity and/or failure of common sense in people astounding. This job is more complex and dramatic than bail bonds. It's as if the business man who's phone stopped working is having more of a crisis than the one who's arrested for assault and will inevitably lose his job. What makes people go so frickin' crazy over cell phones?

Beyond that, I work with a lot of guys around my age who just can't seem to peice together the mindfulness to not be idiots every hour of every day. One of said idiots even approached me and said "I think you'd make a good manager, you have a way of telling me what I'm doing wrong without making me feel stupid" - I still can't understand if that's a compliment.

I'll cut this one short, but what's making me feel really old right now is that my daughter plays more xbox than me :(.

(This is Luci rolling off her designated play-quilt, onto my movies and a few cords to get to my xbox remote, which she obsesses over not being able to have; all while nearly strangling herself with a measuring tape.)

Promise my next one will be less... bitchy.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

It puts the lotion on its skin...

Hello, my name is Luci, and today I turned 6 months old.

After throwing all of my toys at mommy and daddy, I think I'll take a look to see if I can find anything I'm not supposed to have.

Aha! A bottle of the stuff mommy's always rubbing on daddy's back (hey, he's a hard-workin' man)!

How do I open it and eat all the white stuff inside?

First we'll try waving it around and screaming!

Maybe if I squeeze it reaaaaaally really hard!

Maybe I can smash it open with my other toys!

Man, I'm totally running out of ideas! Wait... maybe...

Aha! I think I found the perfect plan!